Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Affraid To Live Life

We are almost at the end of 2011...What have we truly learned?

The media will reflect back on this year by showing who died, who lived with success, what countries did what to each other and the most entertaining for those mind numbing moments, what celebrates did what.

This year, I think we should take a look at what new mind boggling things have changed to improve our society.  For instance, the case of the no ball rule that was almost approved by a school because someone was injured on the school grounds. Luckily instead of throwing the baby out with the bath water, a decision was made to allow softballs only on school property.  Yap that helps.   I like the news report that had some school saying that volleyball should not be played in schools and on the school grounds, because it's too violent.  Why after 45 years or more would someone come up with that idea? I that think maybe the person who came up with this idea may have lost a few too many times.

Come on! Are you kidding!!

Then comes the yearly protest to be politically correct and address people by not saying Merry Christmas, but by using the sensitive words like Happy Holidays.  Every year there is something people look to change.  Now we shouldn't promote Valentines Day in the schools, because some families don't celebrate, or children maybe over looked and not get a card.  Children shouldn't fail school, courses, classes and games because it creates low self-esteem.  Sigh.......Let us not forget the "Young Offender’s Act."  I suspect this was put into place to balance the dumb choices listed above. I mean really, if you take the joy out of life, and the challenges to succeed after failure you're left with a non motivated, non challenged, freaked out kid afraid of their now shadow or a rebellious child fighting for some kind of normalcy.

I know my note sounds like I'm venting...Too bad, remember freedom of speech?  Which I suspect will change in 2012 LOL!  What spawned this rant was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.  An article I just read about talking about "It's safer to cook the stuffing outside the turkey" Yes you see it right in black and white.  NO STUFFING IN THE TURKEY!

For 47 years I've eaten the juicy, highly flavored stuffing in the turkey and I'm not dead yet.  Granted, there is usually a big fight at the tables I've sat at to get the last crumbs....oh sorry we're talking stuffing in the turkey, I mean the last mouth watering morsels of stuffing.

Could it be that anyone who's gotten sick or dropped dead from oven stuffed turkey, just doesn't know how to cook or eats at friends and family that don't know how to cook? 

We are slowly removing the traditions from some North Americans by following along with media and creating new fears of old ways. We agree to take the challenge, emotional fight, self learned self-esteem, and self respect away from our children.

Society may have progressed in some aspects of life, but still lacks knowledge of foresight.

Only My Opinion…..Think what you want but remember to do the right thing for you.

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